Terms & Conditions

Financial Options Recovery: Terms & Conditions

Please ensure that you read through these Terms and Conditions (“Terms”, “Terms and Conditions”) carefully before using this website (the “Administration”) operated by Financial Options Recovery, Owned and Run by Financial Options Limited in the United Kingdom.

Registered office at 520 Kansas City St #325 Rapid City, South Dakota 57701 USA.

Interpretation of the Business Terms for Your Better Understanding

The terms “Company,” “We,” “Us,” and “Our” are references to Financial Options Recovery. “Client,” “You,” and “Your” are used as references to the person to whom our Terms of Business are addressed. The amount paid to the Client as restitution for the services rendered to You is referred to as “Compensation” and is calculated as the total cash received, or the complete reimbursement before any offset: (a) against any arrears, (b) due to tax, or both. The term “Contract” refers to the obligations laid out as Terms of Business between the Company and You. The term “Claim” refers to the formal complaint that We have filed against Your Bank on Your behalf. The term ‘Bank’ refers to the bank, financial provider, credit card or broker/intermediary, building society, or other such Company.

What “We” as service providers agree to do

Evaluate your case and, if appropriate in your interest, pursue a Claim on your behalf to recover your losses. Deal with every element of Your claim including communication, and negotiate with the Banks and/or institutions in question. We may require You to sign further documentation to fulfill Our services. We will keep You updated with the latest developments, including any/all offers and settlements We receive and advise You regarding acceptance or rejection of the settlement offered. While pursuing Your request, We will take actions that best suit Your interests. Recommend actions and advice that can help You process Your claim faster. To serve You better and make Our Financial Options Recovery more efficient and effective for You, We encourage You to submit all Your queries regarding our service or regarding these terms to the Company electronically at skillfulrecoverytech@gmail.com. In case Your Claim is rejected by the financial institution, the Client should send a scanned copy of the official rejection letter immediately to skillfulrecoverytech@gmail.com so that the Company can examine the reason for rejection. After receiving the letter, the Company will discuss possible options available for the client.


Evaluate your case and, if appropriate in your interest, pursue a Claim on your behalf to recover your losses. Deal with every element of Your claim including communication, and negotiate with the Banks and/or institutions in question. We may require You to sign further documentation to fulfill Our services. We will keep You updated with the latest developments, including any/all offers and settlements We receive and advise You regarding acceptance or rejection of the settlement offered. While pursuing Your request, We will take actions that best suit Your interests. Recommend actions and advice that can help You process Your claim faster. To serve You better and make Our Financial Options Recovery more efficient and effective for You, We encourage You to submit all Your queries regarding our service or regarding these terms to the Company electronically at skillfulrecoverytech@gmail.com. In case Your Claim is rejected by the financial institution, the Client should send a scanned copy of the official rejection letter immediately to skillfulrecoverytech@gmail.com so that the Company can examine the reason for rejection. After receiving the letter, the Company will discuss possible options available for the client.

Your Obligations as a “Client” You agree to:

You need to provide us with any documents or supporting information immediately when We request it. Ensure that the information provided to Us will be accurate and not purposefully misleading in any way. On receiving any communication from Your Bank or other financial institution, including receiving Compensation payments for claims filed by Us on Your behalf, You need to inform Us. If We believe it is in Your best interest, You authorize Us to file Your Claim with other authorities. For any offer of Compensation You receive from Your Bank regarding a Claim filed by Us, You are required to keep Us informed. If We feel it serves Your best interest, You request and authorize Us to investigate all financial activities and agreements. Additional contracts may be included as a part of our research and analysis. As per Your wish, You may decline for Us to examine your claims. To grant Us with and ensure that We have the sole authority to act for You and Your behalf: (a) to pursue a claim and (b) to enter into negotiations with Your Bank. While acting on Your behalf, You must ensure to avoid removing, restricting, or canceling Our authority from Your Bank. If there are changes in Your contact details, You must immediately inform Us.

Cancellation and Termination Of Contract

We reserve the right to cancel this agreement at any point in time. We reserve the right to immediately terminate the Contract by giving the Client a written notice if You: declare bankrupt, or enter into a voluntary agreement with either Your creditors or the Mental Health Act 1983 designates a receiver.

Our Performance

We are solely responsible for Our actions and performance while providing services described as per the agreement. In particular, We are not responsible for or held accountable for the performance of the Bank, FOS, FCA, or any other third party, such as FSCS. As per Section 2, We will perform our services with reasonable endeavors. However, We are unable to guarantee that You will succeed in Your Claim.

How do we use your information?

As a part of providing services to you, we shall share your information with financial partners, banks, Ombudsman Service, and other third-party suppliers while administering Your case. Throughout our relationship with you, We may be required to collect and use information (including personal data as defined by Data Protection Legislation) from you. The Privacy Policy published on Our website, Skillfulrecoverytech.com will give you a detailed account regarding the collection, storage, use, and sharing of Your personal data. Under the Privacy Policy, We have set out the types of personal data we collect from you and additional methods implemented by Us in safeguarding and using this kind of personal information, as specified by the legal justification for processing it and your rights under the Data Protection Laws, including the ability to access, withdraw consent, delete, restrict, transport, and object to the processing of your information. To request a copy of your data, send an email to skillfulrecoverytech@gmail.com. We follow similar standards for the legal protections for all the countries in the European Economic Area (EEA), including the UK, while safeguarding Your personal information. In that case, we’ll make sure that your data is protected to a minimum of UK requirements.

Our Liability

Nothing in the contract stated shall exclude or restrict our duty and liability for (i) death or personal harm caused by its breach of duty, (ii) any breach of obligations implied by the Supply of Goods and Services Act of 1982 or the Sale of Goods Act 1979, or (iii) other liability that cannot be limited or eliminated by applicable law. Before evaluating Your claim, it is mandatory for Us to store and process information about You. We are not accountable or liable for any consequential loss, or any other result if a Bank deems it necessary to close a Client’s account.

Law and Disputes

Based on the laws of England and Wales and the exclusive jurisdiction of English Courts, the contract and Your relationship with Us can be terminated. The rest of the arrangements and Terms will remain intact, should any arrangements detailed in these Terms be held invalid or unenforceable by a court. These Terms encompass the complete understanding between Us concerning Our Services and any prior understanding We may have between Us regarding the Service.